Wheel of Life Goes Round and Round

When you search wellness wheels or the wheel of life exercises in google you will find various examples. I like the one above as a way of looking at key areas that are a focus for most people. There are others that help you identify where you are in each area.


This is an exercise that I find very helpful. I have linked the website below the picture if you are interested in doing this at home. Being a visual person, sometimes it is important for me to see how things look on paper. If each ring indicates a level that I am on, what would my Wheel look like? How would I rank my health my wealth or career? Looking over my wheel helps me to see areas where my life might need some extra attention on my part.

The great thing about this exercise is that I can do it at different times of the year and there will be different things that I will need to pay more attention to. I know that even with doing this page that there have been things that I have worked on in the last 5 months that I need to go back to and pay more attention to.

Doing the wellness wheel (the wheel of life) exercise helps to bring attention to each area. It helps me to be more aware of where I am. Of course this is my personal perception of where I am in each area. For you to get the most out of this exercise you too must take an honest look at where you are for each area. I will see where I am in each area and ask myself if I am ok with being at that level. Sometimes being at a level 8 in wealth is ok because I know that another area might be more important at the moment. Or I might be at a 8 in Relationship and want to work at making it a 10. For each person the wheel will look different. May you find your balance in your life as the wheel goes round and round.


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